Right Worshipful District Grand Master Statement at the Erection and Consecration of Lodge Plus Ultra





Right Worshipful Master Designate of Lodge Plus Ultra, Distinguished visitors, Hon Grand Lodge Office Bearers, Brethren All.

Let me start by extending sincere congratulations to the Founder Brethren of Lodge Plus Ultra, on this auspicious occasion. Today, your efforts have resulted in the erection of the 20th Daughter Lodge in the District. I congratulate the entire membership on behalf of the District but in particular those prominent names who studiously guided the process that resulted in the consecration ceremony today.

The formation of your Lodge has come at a time when some existing Lodges are facing financial constraints or dwindling membership or both, when public perception of our organization is unfavorable and when admittedly, character and comportment issue among our numbers are causing increasing concern.

However, your enthusiasm and dedication to the course to accomplish this mission and your commitment displayed have left us to hope that, notwithstanding the diverse location of your membership you will steer clear off those constraints and Lodge Plus Ultra will be an Asset to the District.

You will recall that it has taken you over forty years to achieve this status and the realization of that dream should be cherished and pursued vigorously for the healthy sustenance of your Lodge.

I can say emphatically that,  the process leading to the birth of Plus Ultra, was a formidable challenge, crossing many hurdles, especially with the membership of the Lodge scattered in diverse States in the U S A, the United Kingdom and here in Sierra Leone. However, thanks to the determination of the R W M designate and his dedicated team, the steadfast communication pursuit by the District Grand Secretary and the unwavering support of our Proxy District Grand Master, Bro David Reid, PM, we are where we are today.

Brethren of Lodge Plus Ultra, you have set your names in the anal of Freemasonry, more particularly in Sierra Leone, wherein your names will be immortalized on the plaque erected to commemorate this occasion , the Charter of the Lodge and all other documentation and records bearing your names pertaining to the founding of this Lodge. Even this consecration day, would be remembered long after today.

However, let me hasten to add that the manner and style of governance and the display of virtue and morality during the course of the journey of Lodge Plus Ultra will determine the legacy and masonic values that will brand the Lodge that you will leave behind, long after time with you shall be no more.

Brethren of Lodge Plus Ultra, you have become the fifth School Lodge in the District. Part of your objectives is to continue your friendship and partnership inherited from the school to masonry.

Your Lodge assume its name from the School’s Latin Motto, Plus Ultra, translated in English, More Beyond.

Let those words, “More Beyond”,  motivate and encourage you to extend your researches, in all aspects of Freemasonry and beyond. Your sense of morality should be exemplary, your generosity should know no bounds and your charity and benevolence should positively impact your school, the widow, the orphan, your brethren and humankind in general. Be sure to serve generously.

I am certain that you have enjoyed an inspiring Consecration ceremony and I have no doubt the installation ceremony will follow in similar vein. Continue to be attentive and savor this day for generations to come. Let us all now work together to ensure Lodge Plus Ultra stand the tests of time.

I want to thank the entire Consecration Team for their assistance in working the ceremony. I thank Bro Ivan C A Gordon for putting together the Ceremonial used and all who in one way or the other supported and participated in the glorious birth of Lodge Plus Ultra No 1856. Thank you to our distinguished guests and thank you all brethren.

Thank you all for your attention.





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