Wusum Temple
Brethren, We have taken a great step in freemasonry in Sierra Leone by consecrating this temple . It is the first time after nearly 25 years that a lodge has met outside the confines of Freetown and we greatly rejoice on the occasion.

Brethren, We have taken a great step in freemasonry in Sierra Leone by consecrating this temple . It is the first time after nearly 25 years that a lodge has met outside the confines of Freetown and we greatly rejoice on the occasion. I must thank brethren of the lodge for their vision of expanding masonry into Makeni. This falls in line with the vision of the district in geographically expanding freemasonry in Sierra Leone. To have a vision is good but to actualize it is the more challenging aspect. Brethren you have not only succeeded in consecrating the lodge three years ago, but have also made it possible for your meetings to be held here by building this structure. Though this is a collective effort, we must give special thanks to the Primus of this lodge, Bro.Dr. Samura Kamara for his passion, dedication and financial support. Thanks also to Bro. Techman Kanu for his magnanimity in donating the land on which the temple is built. Let me also recognize the effort of the RWM, Bro Bala Kamara under whose administration , this temple is completed and for his services in the construction process. We say thanks also to our immediate past District Grand Master, RW Bro. Jonathan Admire Thomas who, under his watch, this lodge was consecrated and the foundation of this building laid. Thanks to the consecrating team without whose work, the temple cannot be used for masonic purposes.
Brethren, the building has been completed, the temple consecrated, so what next?. Your vision is to bring Freemasonry to Makeni. Lodge Wusum can now meet at its chartered location. We must now endeavor see the vision through by,
1 Initiating mainly gentlemen resident in Makeni and its environs
2 Conducting yourselves in such a manner that will reflect the good attributes of freemasonry, thereby making it attractive to decent gentlemen in the area.
3 You should also head hunt for gentlemen in the area, who possess qualities that can easily fit into our society. Admission should not be by the position you hold in society, your financial status , your tribe or religion. It should be by merit. In proposing candidates, please think about the prescribed questions for the proposer and the candidate before making the proposition. Please avoid anyone that is disputatious and would have a tendency to disturb the peace and harmony of the lodge.
4 To Identify possible charity work in the area and take up some. We must display the ideals of Freemasonry and make our presence felt in the area.
To fulfil this mission brethren, you must increase you level of commitment to this lodge. I know you all belong to other lodges and have other commitments, but this is the baby, that you conceived, gone through a period of gestation and have safely delivered. The Lodge is now at its infancy and this is a critical period that requires a lot of care and attention. The mature product will depend on level of care you give at this stage. You must all get on board and not leave the work to a few willing hands. Let us not make a mockery of ourselves by inviting so many dignitaries to this ceremony today , only to learn in a year’s time that you are struggling to get a quorum for your meetings. I trust that with good leadership and the blessing of the Most High, this will never happen and we will be looking forward to attending meetings here and continue to enjoy Freemasonry. May Freemasonry continue to prosper in our District
I warmly welcome our distinguished visitors from sister constitutions, Bro PGR Greene representing the RWDGM (EC) and Bro Husain Fawaz, RWGI (IC). We are happy that you have joined us in our celebrations and we hope you will stay with us for the rest of the programme.