The Non Communicable Disease Policy issued by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation of the Republic of Sierra Leone dated 23rd February 2020 lists prostrate cancer as one of the most prevalent cancers in Sierra Leone. According to the latest World Health Organistion data published in 2020 on prostate cancer, deaths from prostrate cancer had reached 274 or 0.45% of total deaths.
The National Library of Medicine website (which is an official website of the Government of the United States) has this to say; “Prostate cancer is the leading cancer in men in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) regarding incidence and mortality. Published data from a few registries in SSA suggest that the rates are still rising… We observed an increase in cumulative risks (CR) and age-standardized incidence rates (ASR) over time in all registries…. This analysis reveals that prostate cancer incidence rates are rising in many populations in SSA-often very rapidly- which is in contrast to recent observations worldwide. We acknowledge that the reasons are multifactorial and largely remain unclear…”
According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, prostate cancer is the second most commonly occurring cancer in men and the 4th most common cancer overall with more than 1.4 million new cases of prostate cancer recorded for 2020. As for the global prostrate cancer mortality rate, Sub-Sharan countries in the continent and some Caribbean countries continue to vie for supremacy year in and year out.
I will make bold to say that for countries such as Sierra Leone records keeping and analysis of data in this area is not our forté. These numbers are expected to be much higher. As scary as this cursory insight into statistical data is,evenmorefrightening isthefollowingfactsthatmyreasearchrevealedi.e.,forreasonsnotyetdetermined by science and medicine, black people and or people of negro-African decent have a greater risk of prostate cancer than do people of other races. As if this was not enough, in black people, prostate cancer is also more likely to be aggressive or advanced when it is caught, and at this late stage more often than not, the attendant challenges to available resources and treatment options increase quite exponentially.
It is an open secret that members of the fraternity in Sierra Leone, myself inclusive are all male. Another statistic that is equally noteworthy is that the overwhelming majority of us are black men and or of negro-African decent with a sizeable proportion of us approaching or past the age of 50. Based on the aforementioned statistical facts, the brotherhood is fertile territory for this scourge. Outside of the brotherhood, there are thousands of male Sierra Leoneans that are equally at risk.
It should therefore not come as a surprise why I have had my focus zeroed in on this all too important subject matter.On assuming office in June 2020, topping my bucket list of priorities I wanted my administration to address was what resources freemasons could leverage and put at the disposition of any charitable organisation or foundation that has as its primary objective, the tackling prostrate cancer.
Across the Atlantic, Grand Lodge of Scotland had long embarked on an appeal to increase awareness of prostrate cancer, its symptoms and treatments that were available among others. Grand Lodge had raised the whopping amount of £1,000,000, donated to Prostrate Scotland, a renowed charity at the cutting edge of the fight against prostate cancer.
The MAKE IT A MILLION CAMPAIGN took about a decade to raise the said amount through contributions from the membership of the fraternity across the globe and the announcment was made by the Grand Master Mason, Most Worshipful Brother Ramsey McGhee, PM, OSt.J, D.L at a meeting at Freemasons Hall, Edinburgh on 27th October 2022.
In the newsletter dated 12th May 2022 issued by the Grand Master Mason, Grand Lodge has urged every District and Province to appoint “Prostate Champions” after discussion with every District and Provincial District Grand Master. Prostate Champions will be given training remotely by Prostrate Scotland during the summer recess with a view to introduction in the Provinces in September 2023. The Champion will be the go-to person in the province/district for information on prostate disease. Of particular importance was the following statement from the Grand Master Mason, “Prostate Scotland have the quality information and we as Scottish Freemasons have the ability to reach into every community at home and overseas… it is a win-win situation for both organisations”.
In the District, our District Grand Director of Ceremonies Bro. Jongopie Stevens, PM, has volunteered to act as theProstateChampionfortheDistrict. TheDistrictis,toputitmildly,eagertoworkwithGrandLodgeonthis project.
In this part of the world and as if to compound the odds, being diagnosed with any form of cancer is for want of a better expression a death sentence and if it does not kill you, the stigma will almost certainly do. Tools and resources that will aid the raising of awareness, the shattering of misconceptions and myths associated with being diagnosed, developing customized education materials and outreach programs and more importantly, the resources that will make regular screening and early detection a reality is more than welcomed.
To this end, we have been approached by Cancer UK – Salone Charity, a charitable foundation which is focused on awareness raising of prostate diseases, prostate cancer and other related issues in Sierra Leone. In December 2022, we received a formal request from this body for sponsorship and in March 2023, we donated Le10,000 (Circa US$500) and gave our acquiescence to become one of their Sponsors in Sierra Leone.
The District will on 16th August 2023, be making a further financial donation to Cancer UK-Salone Charity to the extent of NLe 50,000.00 as one of the activities to mark the visit of the Grand Master Mason to the District. It is my hope that the spotlight the visit of the Grand Master Mason brings to the fight against this disease will raise the importance of this battle in the minds of brethren and Sierra Leoneans generally.
Beyond this, the District will put in place mechanism to continue to solicit charitable donations from the Brethren in cash, in kind, in ideas and any other form of support and will also work with Grand Lodge and Prostate Scotland through the office of our Prostate Champion to leverage tools and resources that can be deployed in aid of this fight.
Brethren all, I look forward to your support in this fight. Therefore, let us in unison marshal, our actions, our thoughts, our resources and our ideas for it is only by our concerted efforts, we stand a chance in making the desired impact, to imbibe in brethren the awareness of the many facets of Prostate disease and our preparedness to overcome it.