Tuesday 15th August 2023

Arrival of The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of The Grand Lodge of Scotland, Brother William Ramsay McGhee, PM, OSt.J, DL and The Right Worshipful Grand Secretary, Brother William M. S. Semple by Brussels Airline at Freetown International Airport, Lungi.

Welcome Party: The Right Worshipful District Grand Master, The Depute District Grand Master, Brother Centus O. P. K. Macauley, PM and Brother Rexford Labor, PM.

20.00 – 22.00 Welcome Cocktail – Guests from the Freemasons Community – Brethren of the District and other Constitutions, The High Commissioner of United Kingdom and Staff of the High Commission, State and City Officials. (Invitation only)

Wednesday 16th August 2023

09:00 – 09:40.        Visit  to The District Secretariat Office

10:00 – 10:30.         Visit to The British High Commission

10:50 – 11:20.          Press Conference and Donation to two Local Charities – Salone/UK Cancer Charity with focus on Prostate                         Cancer and King George’s Home, Grafton.

11:30 – 12: 00.         Lunch (Invitation Only)

12:15 -12:55.            Group Photographs

14:00 – 15:30.          District Grand Lodge Special Communication – Rededication of The Georgacland Masonic Temple by The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro William Ramsay McGhee, PM, OSt.J, DL

16:30 – 19:00.          Banquet: Speeches and Toasts

20:30.                       Private Dinner and Drinks (Invitation only)
                                   Hosted by the Right Worshipful District Grand Master.

Thursday 17th August 2023

Departure for Lagos

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