Bro. Prince A.J.Thomas PM.Hon. SDGW


                                                                                 Bro. Prince A.J.Thomas PM.Hon. SDGW

Tribute to the memory of the late brother Prince Abayomi Julius Thomas PM, Past 1st Principal Hon SDGW and current; H, P Sierra Leone Sov; Chapter No 174 SC and a member of the Sierra Leone Sov; Council No 59 KH 30 brethren the solemn notes that be token the dissolution of this earthly Tabernacle has again alarmed our outer door, and another spirit have been summoned to the Grand Lodge above.

The news of the passing away of the late brother Prince Abayomi Thomas came as a surprise to us on Thursday 18th September 2024.

A fine Mason and brother, very unassuming and diligent in performing his duties; and would always try to give his best at all times.

I got to know Brother Prince Thomas in the early 80’s when the name “True Friends” tingled the ears of a good number of Freetonians. We were all members of that great club ‘The True Friends Club’

This club was known for hosting carnivals at prisons and Y.S.C and all night parties at members residences; from Christmas eve to mid Boxing day .

A good number of us who were members of that club decided to join Masonry as we were influenced by others.

A good number went to the English Constitution and only four of us were initiated in the Scottish Constitution.

The late Bro Emile During; and myself were first initiated in May 1986, together with no less a brother than the D.C Bro Magnus Cassius Coker PM Grand Supt; in this great Lodge though he was not a member of the club.

We eventually succeeded in getting the late Bro Emmanuel Adenoh Douglas to gain on the 6th of April 1987 not too long after; Bro Prince Abayomi Thomas joined the fold and was initiated on the 1stFeb 1988; passed 7th March 1988; and was finally raised on the 11thApril 1988.

He decided to purse his Masonic journey and was exalted in the Dabenco R.A.C No 859 SC and went through the various chairs and attained the Rank of 1st Principal.

Not being complacent he was invited to the Rose Croix SovereignChapter and on the  2nd Oct 2009he was perfected in the Sierra Leone Sov; Chapter No 174 SC where he rose to the rank of H.P a position he held till his demise. Unfortunately his health did not permit him to assume the High office of M.W.S which he was aspiring to assume in April of 2025.

O death where is thy sting! O Grave where is thy Victory? The sting of death has snatched a fine Mason from us; and he shall be missed.

Bro Prince Thomas was a good mixer, He enjoyed himself during our festivities.

One fond memory we had of him was at our usual parties when the song ‘Bam, Bam Bolero”.

Was played he would dance, and dance, especially when his Lawyerthe alcohol was advocating for him he will dance and jump on the back of others.

In one of this gymnastic the sole of his shoe came out and he was disappointed; fortunately for him I was having another pair of shoe so I had to rescue him, we both were putting on the same sizes. Those were wonderful days.

Our late Brother worked at the paramount Hotel as a store keeper, and later at the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank. 

He was married to Morenikeh who had a daughter named Princess presently residing in Australia;

He divorced and later married to Eugenia and their union was blessed with a son named Prince.

Today we are here to bid our brother farewell and while we drop the sympathetic tear over the grave of our deceased brother, let us cast around his foibles, what ever they may have been, nor with hold from his memory the commendation that his virtues claim at our hands.

We as a Lodge extend our condolence to his wife and children on this great loss. He shall be missed, but his memories shall always linger in our minds. Sleep on my brother, sleep and take your rest we love you well but T.T.A.L.G.M.H loves you best, good night! Good night! And good bye;  

May his gentle soul R.I.P.P


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